January 28, 2022
Rippey United Methodist Church – Pastor Cat of the Rippey United Methodist Church will be back from vacation to preach Feb. 13. For pastoral care, contact Pastor Andrea Brownlee of First Christian Church in Perry at 515-465-2215.
Rippey Library – Saturday, January 22, the Rippey public library hosted a Chili Cook-off in the Rippey Community Room. There were seven selections of chili served. The cook-off was open to the public with approximately 25 in attendance ranging from 3 years of age to 80+. Kernels of corn were cast for each attendee’s favorite recipe. First place went to Jamie and Kyle Mowrer and second place went to Bobbi Dollinger. Prizes of a Champion Chili spoon and a Chili Cook-off apron were awarded. Food, fun and fellowship were had by all who attended.

Thanks for the support and donations for the library…Brenda Roberts, secretary of the Rippey Library board of trustees.
Rippey Lions Club – Rippey Lions Club met Thursday, Jan. 20, for their regular meeting. President Greg Jacobs opened the meeting and Dale Hanaman shared a prayer in Harlan Den Beste’s memory. Phyllis Bardole prepared the meal and Maralynn served the meal.
During the business meeting, Myron Rinker shared a card and donation from Dina and Chuck Hastings to honor Myron for 60 years as a member of the Rippey Lions Club and for Maralynn’s membership for 15 years. The group discussed further plans for the BRR Ride food on Feb. 5. Greg Jacobs led the program with “History Mysteries” by describing an event in history. The group then needed to ask questions to uncover the mystery.
The next meeting will be Feb. 3 with a potluck meal, short business and then preparations for the BRR Ride serving.